I have been pondering doing a food blog for some time, and I have already started with the plates and writing up my notes, however until I receive an acknowledgement from the chefs and authors, I have decided not post.
I have already started with a couple of the recipes – but have not yet “published” the pages – as I am waiting to hear back from the chefs and authors, as to whether their consent will be forthcoming. If the consent is not forthcoming, then I will post my photo – but not the actual recipe thereby respecting that no consent was forthcoming. However I think that the best way to proceed is to ensure that everything is above board as I do not want to end up in trouble!
The first acknowledgement I received on 7 October 2018.
The New Zealand Vegetable Cookbook authors Lauraine Jacobs, Ginny Grant and Kathy Paterson.
The consent is linked below.
Consent from The New Zealand Vegetable Cookbook
Thank you ladies. What a gem of a book – and very pertinent to New Zealand home cooks. I look forward to exploring your dishes in the weeks coming. There is probably a recipe or recipes for every Kiwi family – depending on taste buds. This book is available in your local library – and as I haven’t cooked anything yet – I have spied one dish that I am very keen to try before this week is out.
I would like to say thank you for your generosity in allowing this Kiwi home cook to share your book and your recipes. I hope that you will be pleased with the integrity and passion that I bring to your brainchild.
Kind regards,
The second acknowledgement I received on 7 October 2018
Chef John at Food Wishes.
Consent from ChefJohn at Food Wishes
I have really enjoyed Chef John’s Youtube channel, and have practiced his Fondant Potatoes on more than one occasion. With this blog in mind, I have sat for a few hours looking at some of his other techniques and I hope to be able to share those with you as I move through with this challenge.
Once again, I would like to say thank you to Chef John for your generosity in allowing this Kiwi home cook to share your techniques. I hope that you will be pleased with the integrity and passion that I bring to your inspirations.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge base with people like myself, who can turn something ordinary like a potato – and turn it into something very exciting.
Kind regards,
On 8 October 2018 I received the consent from Chef Julie Biuso
It was Julie’s book “Julie Biuso at Home” that made this blog a reality. I cooked one of Julie’s recipes, which I will cook again during the course of the 365 plates – and as I savored every mouthful, it was like I was in the culinary heaven. Then the next two recipes that I have cooked and savored were like, if I was in heaven, I now have wings.
I will look forward to sharing three of Julie’s dishes – which i have express permission to use in this blog. I hope that you will be proud of the way that I bring your plates into a realm of their own, and that other readers will be able to find that slice of heaven that I have found with your beautiful, mouth watering creations. For me, writing to you was the most nerve wracking message to write, because of my desire to share your creations.
So from the bottom of my heart, I would like to say thank you Julie, for your generosity in allowing me to share your cuisine and your craft. You are one talented lady. Your book Julie Biuso at Home is on my wish list for Christmas or my birthday – simply because the recipes that I have cooked, I will cook again, every morsel is wonderful and needs to be shared.
Kind regards,
On 9 October 2018 I received the consent from Chef Jacob Burton
Facebook Link to his group Stella Culinary School Facebook
By way of introduction, I met Chef Jacob via his website, and was totally amazed at how freely, he shared his knowledge. I learned how to make chicken stock – properly – and what a difference that has made to my home kitchen and to the plates that I have subsequently presented. The skills that I have developed, would not have been possible unless I had stumbled, inadvertently into Chef Jacob’s “online” kitchen. He is a busy man, with a busy schedule. You can rest assured that several of his techniques will be shared, with some of the plates that will be forthcoming.
Thank you Chef Jacob, for providing me with your consent. You are truly an inspiration to all those who cross your path, from the basic home cook like myself, to the professional chefs who work in upmarket restaurants.
Through our communications, I now see the culinary world with big widened blue eyes – and I thank you for your friendship and enriching my culinary journey.
Kind regards,