Your blog writer
This is the face behind the keyboard. My name is Robyn Harris – I am a passionate and experienced home cook, who lives in Wellington, New Zealand. I intend to plow my way through a variety of recipes for three hundred and sixty five plates. I have not given myself a time line.
All the recipes or techniques that I share, will give the name of the chef or cook, the name of their book and/or website channel. There is a separate page called “consents” that will be posted as they become available. Details of the book and their linking page will also be posted. If I can do the right thing, then others who wish to publish any material obtained from this site, are encouraged also do the “right thing”.
It is my intention to give authenticity to the dishes created, and to keep the integrity of the dishes.
I have been pondering this project over the last few years – and have finally taken the bull by the horns *so to speak*.
I am not a computer whiz of this modern technology – but I am incredibly proud to be able to share some of my skill set. The pictures that I share, are all taken by me – on my antiquated android cellphone.
Finally, this is a work in progress. The aim is not to make money – although – if truth be told, wouldn’t that be a nice thing – but I have been inspired by some wonderful chefs – from New Zealand and Australia, England and in particular the USA. I love culinary communities who are willing to share their expertise and their experience. If I had my time again, I would have gone to culinary school.
Over recent weeks and probably in the months to come, I have poured over many cookbooks – internet channels, watched far too many hours of cooking programmes on TV and have tried to recreate dishes that the average home cook can recreate on a reasonable budget without having to sell their favorite pair of shoes. I must admit, it would be extremely nice to have a lovely kitchen full of the latest appliances but at this time, that simply is not my reality.
I look forward to sharing my discovery with you, otherwise it will merely be a journal in my corner of the world wide web.